Jessika Kenney and Eyvind Kang back at EastSide Sound

Those who were lucky enough to catch Frisell’s two week long residence at the Vanguard, were also fortunate enough to see the talentuous Eyvind Kang play his magic on the viola. But the really fortunate out there were blissed with a performance by Eyvind and his wife Jessika Kenney at Drom, where they played some of their new written and some improvised Persian-inspired music. The day after the show I was the fortunate one to be able to record their new music at EastSide Sound.
I’ve used my new and beloved Latvian JZ Black Hole microphone on Jessika’s vocal and a Beyer Dynamic MC740N on the viola and ran both through Neve-reissue Vintech X73 preamps and my MasterRoom II analog reverb to capture an intimate and marvelous performance of the two standing feet apart in same room and performing haunting music live for my lucky ears and my lucky mics.
Can’t wait to hear this record out in stores.

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